Yucheng Cui 崔钰城
Love on the screen of “No Future” is alluring. It is universal, fragile, ambiguous, changeable, while also unchanging...
In my experience it has no future and everything is just under a metal shell.
No Future
《No Future》 屏幕里的爱充满吸引力 它是普遍的、脆弱的、模糊的、多变的、不变的...... 在我的经历中它没有未来 一切不过就在金属外壳下。
Artist Background:
Cui Yucheng was born in Yun City, Shanxi Province in 2000, right now she lives in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. She is studying at Sichuan Conservatory of Music.
艺术家简介 :
崔钰城 2000年出生于山⻄运城 现居广东深圳 四川音乐学院在读