Julia is a junior at Minerva Schools at KGI studying Data Science and Philosophy & Ethics. In the past, she has been working for the Hong Kong Review as a student journalist, interviewing subject-matter experts including poets, fiction writers, directors, and scholars from all over the world. From that experience, she realized how powerful a tool literature could be to bridge this highly globalized world. The previous crisis-management internship also made her realize that misinformation could be easily created and spreaded across the Internet. In the midst of Covid-19 outbreak, she recognizes the importance of accurate, evidence-based communications as well as inclusive perspectives. Her experience in international mock trial competitions as well as docent for UCCA makes her wonder about the different mediums for news and information. As the Director of Operations for IUCJ, she is looking forward to working with other members to bring about insightful discussions regarding US-China relations.

Julia是一名密涅瓦大学的大三学生,就读于信息科学和哲学与伦理学双专业。作为The Hong Kong Review的一名学生编辑,她采访过许多各行各业的知名专家,包括诗人、小说家、导演、学者等。从这段经历中,她意识到文学可以在这个高度全球化的世界,作为一个强有力的桥梁,把不同的地区连接起来。她的危机公关经历也让她体会到误导信息是很容易在网络上进行传播和发酵的。在突然爆发的冠状病毒疫情中,她更是了解到准确无误、被证据支撑的信息的重要性。同时我们也应采取包容的角度看待事物。作为北京UCCA美术馆的一名导览员和美国大型模拟法庭比赛的参赛者,Julia也在探索用不同媒介来表达的可能性。作为《中美校际期刊》的运营负责,她很期待和大家一起带来更多深刻的中美关系的讨论。