Peter Deng
Slowburn 1
Slowburn 2
Slowburn 3
Slowburn (series)
Mixed Media: Oil and Twigs
Slowburn 1&2&3 is a series of abstract art centering on how technology domination in our society has influenced my identity and self-perception. Humans consist of two elements: soul and body. I think social media and the virtualizing society is blurring the boundaries between these two elements. The Covid 19 pandemic has moved most of our work space and social interactions online. The face to face intimacy is gradually replaced by communication in a physically intangible world. Will physical intimacy be replaced by virtual communication? Will our body become not as necessary as it is now in the future?
36 x 48 inches
25x19 inches Pastel on Paper
Identity centers on the complex layers of identity we have in the digitalizing world. The invention of social media created a space for people to develop virtual identities. Putting on a mask, we interact on the interconnecting platform of the internet. Social media has made communication more convenient and accessible to people, but I feel the solitude we face in the modern society has never been changed. We present the best of us to others for acknowledgement and attention, but at the same time we focus too much on our online image to care about the interactions we have in real life. When online interactions are taking over my real life interactions, I feel my virtual identity is encroaching on my identity in real life.
36x36x36 inches Mixed Media, Sculpture
Clay, gloss gal acrylic paints bronze, wood boards
We all say that everyone is born free. But is such a statement really true? Technology has given us a channel to express our thoughts more “freely” to other people. However, we hardly questioned ourselves to what extent we are really free on this virtual platform. Everyday we receive news and information from thousands of different sources. Would those sources try to feed us single sided stories to either manipulate our thoughts or distract our eyes from the real issue of the society that suppresses us from getting our freedom? Is our freedom real?
24 x 16 inches Charcoal on paper
Are we stranded on the converging line between reality and illusion?
Artist Background:
Peter Deng is from Chengdu, China. He is currently a sophomore at Haverford College, majoring in East Asian Studies and Economics. Since the first time he started painting in primary school, art has become a life-long passion for him. Throughout his spare time art career, he has won one national gold medal and one silver medal from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards in New York. His work, Moral Decadence, was displayed in Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Connecticut in 2018. Through art, he wants to discover the individual meaning in the society and self-identity.
艺术家简介 :
邓煜恒来自四川成都,现就读于美国的Haverford College,专攻东亚研究与经济。从小学开始学习绘画起,艺术成了他的一生的爱好。在他业余的绘画生涯中,他曾获得过一次国家级 艺术比赛Scholastic Art and Writing Awards的金奖与银奖。他的作品,《道德沦丧》曾于2018在康涅狄格州的Bruce Museum巡演。通过艺术,他想寻找自己在社会中的意义以及自我存在的价值。